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Workouts: Laurel Park

Sunday, August 11, 2024


3 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Atomic Kiss :35.60 B 2
Bold Diversion :38.00 B 17
Calming Storm :37.00 B 10
Consolidated :38.20 B 21
Divine Child :36.00 B 3
Don't Tell Deren :36.00 B 3
Doris' Slaying It :36.60 B 8
Faith and Liberty :38.60 B 27
Greatwhitefleet :38.20 B 21
Hot Boss :38.00 B 17
Imperial Brut :38.20 B G 21
Imperial Spy :38.20 B G 21
Into the Sauce :36.40 B 7
Israeli Army :36.20 B 6
Jester's Song :37.20 B 12
Katie's Notion :37.60 B 16
Langlee Avenue :36.60 H 8
Lex's Game :38.20 B 21
Mille Parole :35.30 B 1
Mr. Mendelslew :37.20 B 12
Rakia :37.20 B 12
Savvy :37.00 B 10
Slam Notion :37.40 B 15
Super Bourbon :38.00 B 17
Sycamore Miss :38.20 B 21
Thename of Thegame :39.00 B 28
Utterly Enchanting :38.00 B 17
Viennese Waltz :36.00 H 3

4 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
A Lotta Moxie :48.80 B 18
Al Loves Josie :49.60 B 48
Andras :50.00 B 58
Anotherhope :49.20 B 32
Ariel Moon :49.00 B 22
Art of Courage :49.00 B 22
Ask Isaac :48.60 B 7
Asknotwhatyoucando :50.00 B G 58
Awesome Roberta :50.40 B 74
Awesome Strike :52.00 B 92
Bells of Bram :50.00 B 58
Big Rowdy Dan :50.00 B 58
Big Wanda :49.80 B 54
Blessednotlucky :49.80 B 54
Bright Charger :49.20 B G 32
Burn Rubber :48.80 H 18
Buzzaway :52.00 B 92
Caughtandcollected :49.00 B 22
Celtic Contender :50.00 B 58
Chat Blanc :48.80 H 18
Crosstown Shootout :50.40 B 74
Cybertime :50.40 B 74
Dad Joke :49.00 B 22
Derbyness :49.20 B 32
Dewey Doit :50.00 B 58
Discreet Ops :49.20 B 32
Elevated Game :49.20 B 32
Fancy Martini :50.80 B 81
Find Faith :49.60 B 48
Finn d'Oro :51.20 B G 88
First to Arrive :48.60 H 7
Focus Pocus :51.00 B 83
Formal Order :49.40 B 44
Frappart :48.60 H 7
Freedom Stance :49.80 B 54
Galatians :48.60 H 7
Gillis Falls :53.00 B 99
Go Round :48.60 H 7
Gogo Chanel :50.40 B 74
Golden Candy :51.40 B 90
Golden Legacy :49.00 B 22
Gray Charles :50.60 B 78
Grayson's Girl :49.20 B 32
Green Eyed Monster :49.60 B G 48
Grey Streak :48.60 B 7
Guapo Again (ARG) :50.00 B 58
His Name Is Sue :50.20 B 71
I'm Gittin There :48.60 H 7
Ifeelbadforyouson :49.20 B 32
In This Moment :49.20 B 32
Italian Symphony :48.80 H 18
Knockanara :50.20 B G 71
Krissi N :49.00 H G 22
Laura's Thunder :49.60 B 48
Law of the Jungle :52.00 B 92
Malinois :48.40 H 5
Mavilus :48.00 H 1
Mile High Miracle :49.60 B 48
Military Grade :52.00 B 92
Moonlit Frost :51.20 B G 88
More Bubbles :49.00 H G 22
Mr Flowers :50.00 B 58
Must Be Love :49.00 B 22
Mutt Dillin :49.60 B 48
My Sassy Valentine :48.60 H 7
Naked and Famous :49.20 B 32
Need a Miracle :49.20 B 32
Night Cap :51.40 H 90
No Foolin Mo :48.40 H 5
Oncourtcommentator :49.00 B 22
Onyourside :50.80 B 81
P Money :48.60 H 7
Pistol Liz Ablazen :50.00 B 58
Play Like a Raven :49.40 B 44
Potcake :50.20 B G 71
Prince of Iron :49.20 B 32
Princessofthenorth :48.60 B 7
Prowling Tiger :50.00 B 58
Pure Majestic :51.00 B 83
Razorette :50.60 B 78
Ready for Magic :51.00 B 83
Rye Smile :49.40 B 44
Sin Permiso :52.00 B 92
Snack :49.00 B 22
Starcry :49.40 B 44
Storm Rate :52.00 B 92
Super E :50.00 B 58
Susan's Mule :48.00 H 1
Tik Tok Daddy :48.30 H 4
Twice Gold :49.80 B 54
Uncle Cat :48.60 H 7
Vernor's Junction :50.00 B 58
Waridi Candy :51.00 B 83
Wicked Prankster :48.20 H 3
Wickline :52.00 B 92
Winterfell :49.20 B 32
Wish Me Home :50.00 B 58
Wunderkind :50.60 B G 78
Zimri :51.00 B 83

5 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Artist Mark 1:01.00 H 3
Bad Boy Blaze 1:02.60 B G 21
Fierce Competition 1:02.00 B 11
Grand Opening 1:03.00 B 23
Happy Jaunt 1:03.00 B 23
Hunter Joe 1:02.40 B 17
Itsamonstamash 1:02.40 B 17
Just a Fair Shake 1:02.00 B 11
Kyser 1:01.60 B G 7
Liam's the Great 1:02.20 B G 15
Little Lance 1:03.20 B 25
Magic in the Park 1:02.40 B 17
Minister for Magic 1:01.20 H 5
Mo Caliente 1:01.60 B 7
Mr Matuschek 1:02.20 B 15
My Endeavor 1:02.40 B 17
Noble Fish 1:01.60 B 7
Passioned 1:00.00 H 2
Penny Loafer 1:01.00 H 3
Ship Master 1:02.00 B G 11
Shrug 1:01.60 B 7
Super Accelerate 1:01.20 H 5
Superlastingsecret 1:02.60 B 21
Thorold Miss 1:02.00 B 11
Yes This Time :59.60 B 1

7 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Crossland 1:31.40 B 1