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Workouts: Turf Paradise

Thursday, January 09, 2025


220 Yards ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Cohesive Cartel (QH) :12.73 H G 4
Five Bucks (QH) :11.21 H 1
Lady Apollitical (QH) :11.82 H 3
Relief Factor (QH) :11.54 H 2

3 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Aspirational :37.20 H 16
Battleof Trafalgar :36.80 H 13
Betty Ryano :36.60 H 10
Bron and the Brow :38.20 H 18
Cagey Burglar :40.80 H 21
Drumadoon :34.60 H 1
Engaging Soul :36.20 H 5
Gee I'm Foxy :36.20 H 5
Gi Gis Map :35.80 H 4
Hail State :38.20 H 18
Ima Rascal :38.40 H 20
It's Turbo :36.40 H 7
Measureofdevotion :36.40 H 7
Sea Breeze Boy :36.80 H 13
She's a Knockout :37.80 H 17
Shirley Ann's Girl :35.60 H 3
Strawberry Zinger :36.60 H 10
Table for Two :36.80 H 13
Toolittletoolate :34.80 H 2
Vicente's Shadow :36.60 H 10
Woke Indian :36.40 H 7

4 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Alpine Sermon :48.80 H 51
American Blaze :46.00 H 2
As Luck Happens :52.40 H 67
Awesome Road :48.20 H 34
Blessed Angel :48.00 H 31
Boosical Lady :46.80 H 7
Brainiac :48.40 H 38
Bravo Kolt :49.80 H 61
Candy Caballo :47.60 H 24
Candy's Chrome :47.40 H 21
Cashout Carol :48.20 B 34
Caution Cardinal :48.20 H 34
Chino Mirage :48.60 H G 47
Classy Rosso :47.00 H 14
Cloud Blitz :46.80 H 7
Curlin's Lil Gal :47.40 H 21
Da Smoke :48.40 H G 38
Daddy's Girl :50.60 H 66
Depharone :54.00 H G 69
Desert Gal :47.00 H 14
Drum and Drummer :48.80 H G 51
Eddie's Wave :50.20 H 63
Eitherinorintheway :53.80 H G 68
Five Twenty Sunset :48.40 H 38
Golden Affair :47.20 H 18
Groovy Gray Gal :46.40 H 5
Hadlees Honor :50.20 H 63
Itsmybirthday :46.80 H 7
John Dunbar :46.60 H 6
Keen Heir :48.40 H 38
La Valentina :48.60 H G 47
Later Tamartater :49.40 H 58
Lettheliquortalk :48.40 H 38
Ligerazo :45.40 H 1
Lil Effort :48.40 H 38
Lobdell Lake :48.00 H 31
Lock It Down :47.80 H 27
Lovely Bride :49.00 H 56
Lucy Treasure :47.20 H 18
Lykan :46.80 H 7
Marinas Tina (IRE) :47.60 H 24
Midnight Fury :47.00 H 14
My Benediction :48.60 H 47
Now and Zen :47.80 H 27
Om Fire :48.20 H 34
Pleasant Boss :46.20 H 4
Rallified :48.40 H 38
Randos Lady :47.00 H 14
Shankadopolous :49.40 H 58
Shesayshello :50.40 H 65
Sky Sailing :48.80 H 51
Slice of Pie :47.20 H 18
Smooching :48.40 H 38
Social Promise :49.00 H 56
Social Status :48.00 B G 31
Sol Del Sur :46.00 H 2
Solo Un Beso :48.80 H 51
Swiss Laker Boy :47.60 H 24
Take Charge Tom :46.80 H 7
Take My Allowance :49.60 H 60
Tavaline :48.40 H 38
Texas Wendy :47.80 H 27
Trydent :46.80 H 7
Unarmed :47.40 H 21
Warrior Lady :48.80 H 51
Welcometohollywood :48.60 H 47
Welton :47.80 H 27
Whimsical Heir :49.80 H 61
Will Run :46.80 H 7

5 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Affable Monarch :59.80 H 2
Benny Buckets 1:01.00 H 16
Big Swag 1:00.20 H 8
Brownstone 1:01.20 H 19
Buttermaker 1:00.60 H 14
Chicken Wing 1:02.20 B 25
Cree :59.80 H 2
Cruzin Sassy 1:01.60 H 22
Dangerella 1:01.20 H 19
Drive Train 1:01.80 H G 23
Dunvegan 1:00.40 H 11
El Ocho 1:05.40 H 30
Golden Ale 1:01.00 H 16
Grazed n' Confused 1:00.40 H 11
Gun Powder 1:00.20 H 8
Happy Hour Bobby 1:02.00 H 24
Hey Now :59.80 H 2
If You Want It 1:03.20 H 27
Jullian in Paris 1:00.00 H 6
Krewe d'Etat 1:00.40 H 11
Libby's Gambit 1:00.20 H 8
Maricopa County :59.80 H 2
Matters 1:02.60 H 26
Montana 1:04.00 H 29
Mr Love Muffin 1:00.00 H 6
Ode to My Bro Bob 1:00.80 H 15
Pedal to the Metal 1:01.00 H 16
Powerized :58.40 H 1
She's Muy Muy 1:03.60 H 28
Whiskey Harbor 1:01.20 H 19