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Workouts: Oaklawn Park

Friday, December 13, 2024


3 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
A Vision of Hope :38.80 B 15
Amazing Day :37.20 B 5
Chipofftheoldblock :40.00 B 17
De Angelo :38.00 B 10
Devlish Gal :37.20 B 5
Ethereal Road :37.40 B 8
Foxy's Bay Bullet :38.00 B 10
Getoutyourwallet :39.20 B 16
Haunted Flame :38.60 B 13
Invulnerable :37.20 B 5
Miss Elle :37.00 B 3
Our Bloke :38.60 B 13
Redemption Time :36.20 B 1
Shiva :37.40 B 8
Templar Red :38.40 B 12
This Is Uscar :37.00 B 3
Xtreme Smoke Show :36.40 B 2

4 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Al's Romeo :51.20 B 70
All Green Lights :50.40 B 40
Archie the Giza :48.60 B 8
Avalon Girl :50.80 B 59
Babe in the Woods :50.60 B 52
Bella Haze :51.60 B 82
Belvedere Club :49.80 H G 23
Big Swede :50.20 B 38
Blaze On :50.40 B 40
Blushing Bee :51.00 B 66
Bolt At Midnight :50.60 B 52
Born Flawless :51.20 B 70
Brave Samantha :49.80 B 23
Bright Leaf :49.80 B 23
Cannon :50.40 B 40
Carolina Smokeshow :52.40 B 87
Collada :51.00 B 66
Copper Echo :52.60 B 89
Courageous Cappen :54.00 B 91
Cravensworth :49.40 B 15
Dance Man :49.80 B 23
Devil's Tower :50.40 B 40
Ember's Ash :50.00 B 37
Farley Hall :49.60 B 20
Fastened :50.60 B 52
Flightning Bolt :50.40 B 40
Game Warden :49.80 B 23
Georgia On E'smind :51.40 B 76
Girls Weekend :51.60 B 82
Gold Member :49.20 B 13
Good Game :51.20 B 70
H. T. Xena :51.60 B 82
Hartshorne :50.80 H G 59
Hayes Strike :50.40 B 40
Hern :50.40 B 40
Hero Status :49.80 B 23
Hesa Super Starr :49.00 B 10
Irina's Charm :49.60 B 20
Jinxzi :50.60 B 52
Joe Frazier :49.80 B 23
K Crown :48.00 H G 2
Kai Kai :50.80 B 59
Kattath :48.40 B 5
Kiamichi :49.80 H G 23
King Anthony :50.60 B 52
King Russell :51.20 B 70
Kirbys Dewdrop :50.80 B 59
Lady Pippa :49.40 B 15
Lady Woopig :49.00 H G 10
Landlord :50.80 B 59
Last Mango :51.60 B 82
Late to the Game :49.40 B 15
Liam's Song :50.80 B 59
Linebacker :48.60 B 8
Loveland :51.40 B 76
Lundberg :49.40 B 15
Magnetic Beach :50.40 B 40
Majestic Oops :48.00 B 2
Markansas :54.00 B 91
Millers Rite :47.40 H G 1
Miri a Coincidence :51.40 B 76
Money Game :50.40 B 40
Moorea Time :50.60 B 52
My Russian :49.80 B 23
Osbourne :50.40 B 40
Penrod :49.80 B 23
Piggy Tales Up :51.40 B 76
Princess Em Too :50.20 B 38
Queen Jubilee :52.40 B 87
Ram :49.40 B 15
Ricky Bobby :50.60 B 52
Saucier :50.40 B 40
She's Not a Joke :49.80 B 23
Speechless :51.20 B 70
Sweet Mother Mary :51.20 B 70
Tactical Man :49.00 B 10
Taka :50.80 B 59
Taker Back :49.80 B 23
Tall Cotton :49.20 B 13
The Hit King Rose :53.00 B 90
Thestral :51.60 B 82
Tizmarkus :48.20 H G 4
Undercover :49.80 B 23
Up N Up :50.40 B 40
Up On the Edge :51.40 B 76
Venice Vibe :51.00 B 66
Warm Days :51.00 B 66
Wendelssohn :49.80 B 23
What a Blessing :48.40 B 5
Where's Randy :48.40 B 5
Wild Sun Flower :51.40 B 76
Zat's the One :49.60 B 20

5 Furlongs ---(Dirt) Track Fast

Horse Name Time Rank
Bourbon's Fault 1:02.00 B 7
Caliente Star 1:02.20 B 8
Can't Stop Willis 1:01.40 B 3
Crazy Cami 1:01.20 B 1
Gambler Rocket 1:02.80 B 10
Golden Edge 1:03.40 B 13
Madmartigan 1:03.60 B 14
Museum Quality 1:03.60 B 14
Pickmeupatmidnight 1:04.00 B 19
Pittsburgh 1:01.80 B 5
Ride the Broom 1:03.80 B 18
Rock Star Parking 1:03.60 B 14
Royal Laughter 1:01.80 B 5
Runway Magic 1:01.40 H G 3
Samurai Prince 1:03.60 B 14
Secret Legend 1:01.20 H G 1
Tapiture's Lady 1:02.40 B 9
Ultimate Strike 1:03.00 B 12
Wreaking Havoc 1:02.80 B 10